Blue Economy

Advantage Tamil Nadu

  • Fisheries and Aquaculture: Tamil Nadu is a major player in the fisheries and aquaculture industry. The State’s coastal districts, such as Ramanathapuram, Nagapattinam and Thoothukudi, are known for their fish production. The government has been promoting sustainable fishing practices, enhancing the value chain and providing financial support to fishermen. Opportunities lie in improving infrastructure, modernising fishing techniques and expanding aquaculture.
  • Marine Biotechnology: The State has been consistently investing in marine biotechnology research and development. Institutions like the National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) and the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) are conducting research in areas such as marine pharmacology and bioprospecting. This presents opportunities for innovation and commercialization of marine biotechnology products.
  •  Ports and Maritime Trade: Tamil Nadu has several major ports, including Chennai, Ennore and Thoothukudi, which play a crucial role in the maritime trade. These ports are continually upgrading their infrastructure to handle larger cargo volumes. Opportunities exist in logistics, shipping services, warehousing and maritime transport-related businesses.
  • Marine Tourism: The State’s picturesque coastline offers immense potential for marine tourism. Destinations like Kanniyakumari, Chennai and neighbouring Union Territory of Puducherry attract tourists interested in water sports, scuba diving, snorkelling and beachfront resorts. The development of eco-friendly and sustainable tourism practices can open up opportunities for entrepreneurs.
  • Renewable Energy: Tamil Nadu is exploring offshore wind energy projects along its coastline, given its consistent wind patterns. These initiatives present opportunities for renewable energy companies, construction firms and research institutions to contribute to clean energy generation.
  • Aquaculture and Mariculture: Coastal districts have ideal conditions for aquaculture and mariculture. Opportunities exist for cultivating high-value seafood, seaweeds and other marine organisms for both domestic consumption and export markets.
  • Blue Tech and Innovation: The State has been fostering innovation in blue tech and marine technology that encompass development of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), remote sensing technology and underwater robotics. Entrepreneurs and researchers can tap into these opportunities for technological advancements and commercialization.
  • Export Potential: Tamil Nadu’s coastal districts offer significant export potential for seafood products, marine equipment and marine technology solutions.

Sector Incharge

Gautham Palaniswamy



Blue Economy refers to an economic system that seeks to conserve marine and freshwater environments while using them in a sustainable way to develop economic growth and product resources such as energy and food. The Blue Economy sector in Tamil Nadu represents a dynamic and thriving dimension of the State’s economic landscape. Situated along the eastern coast of India, Tamil Nadu has an extensive shoreline that stretches over 1,076 kilometres along the Bay of Bengal. This strategic geographical advantage has positioned the State as a pivotal player in harnessing the immense potential of its maritime resources for sustainable economic development. The Blue Economy sector encompasses a wide array of activities, from fisheries and aquaculture to port infrastructure, shipping, marine tourism and offshore renewable energy, all of which contribute significantly to the State’s socio-economic growth.

Globally, The United Nations Ocean Decade, also known as the “Ocean Decade,” is an initiative launched by the United Nations to address the critical challenges facing the world’s oceans. This ambitious programme was officially launched in June 2021 and is designed to run from 2021 to 2030. The primary goal of Ocean Decade is to galvanise international efforts to protect, conserve and sustainably manage our oceans and marine resources. Among UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, Goal No. 14 deals with the “Life Below Water” focusing on regulating the Earth’s climate, providing food and livelihoods for millions of people, supporting biodiversity and offering recreational and cultural benefits.

StartupTN’s Blue Economy sectoral initiatives focus on uniting all the stakeholders of the sector under one umbrella and building ecosystem-centric progressive activities. Any Startup, aspirant, investor, technical expert, R&D organisation, incubator and sector enthusiastic individual can join hands with us to accelerate the progress of stakeholders of the Blue Economy through our sectoral initiatives.

Subsectors of Blue Economy

  • Fisheries
  • Aquaculture
  • Blue Biotechnology
  • Marine Tourism
  • Coastal protection
  • Renewables
  • Blue AI
  • Blue EV
  • Blue Carbon
  • Desalination
  • Port Management
  • Ocean Surveillance
  • Ocean Waste Management


  • United Nations Ocean Decade: United Nations Ocean Decade, also known as the “Ocean Decade,” is an initiative launched by the United Nations to address the critical challenges facing the world’s oceans. The programme was launched in June 2021 and runs till 2030. The primary goal of Ocean Decade is to galvanize international efforts to protect, conserve and sustainably manage our oceans and marine resources.
  • National Policy on Marine Fisheries (NPMF): The Government of India has formulated NPMF to promote responsible and sustainable fisheries management. It includes measures to prevent overfishing, support small-scale fishermen and encourage the adoption of modern fishing techniques.
  • Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY): PMMSY is a flagship scheme aimed at modernising fisheries, increasing fish production and doubling farmers’ incomes. It includes initiatives for infrastructure development, capacity building and value chain enhancement in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors.
  • Sagarmala Programme: This programme focuses on port-led development and aims to harness India’s 7,500-kilometre-long coastline for economic growth. It includes initiatives for improving port infrastructure, connectivity and promoting coastal shipping.
  • National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA): NMSA includes measures to promote sustainable agriculture practices in coastal areas, reduce the use of chemical inputs and enhance the resilience of coastal communities to climate change.
  • Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM): Tamil Nadu has an ICZM plan in place to ensure the sustainable development of its coastal areas. It focuses on conserving biodiversity, managing coastal erosion and promoting sustainable tourism.
  • Fisheries Department Initiatives: The State Government has various schemes and initiatives to support the fisheries sector that include financial assistance for fishermen, fishery development programmes and the promotion of aquaculture.
  • Tamil Nadu Maritime Board: The State has established the Tamil Nadu Maritime Board to oversee the development of ports, shipping and maritime activities. It aims to enhance the State’s maritime infrastructure and connectivity.
  • Marine and Coastal Education: Tamil Nadu has several educational institutions and research centres, such as the Tamil Nadu Dr. J. Jayalalithaa Fisheries University and the National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management, dedicated to marine and coastal research and education.
  • Tourism Promotion: The State promotes marine tourism, including beach resorts and water-based recreational activities, to boost tourism and generate employment in coastal areas






To support the growth of the Blue Economy sector in Tamil Nadu, several key resources and assets are required. They include

  • Skilled Manpower: Marine biologists, oceanographers and environmental scientists for research and conservation efforts. Fishermen and aquaculture workers for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture practices. Shipbuilders, engineers and sailors for maritime transport and logistics. Tourism professionals for coastal tourism development.
  • Materials: Fishing gear and equipment; aquaculture infrastructure such as ponds, cages and hatcheries; maintenance materials for ships and boats and construction materials for coastal infrastructure development.
  • Capital: Investment in research and development for innovative ocean technologies and sustainable practices. Financing for the expansion of existing businesses and the establishment of new ones. Access to grants, subsidies and incentives for Blue Economy projects. Infrastructure development funding for ports, harbours and coastal tourism facilities.
  • Infrastructure: Coastal infrastructure like jetties, fish landing centres and cold storage facilities for fisheries. Research and development centres, marine laboratories and aquaculture facilities. Tourism infrastructure, including resorts, hotels and recreational facilities.
  • Technology and Innovation: Access to advanced technologies for sustainable fishing practices, including GPS, fish finders and vessel monitoring systems. Research and development centres for ocean-related innovation. Renewable energy infrastructure like offshore wind farms and wave energy converters.
  • Market Access: Promotion of local seafood brands and products to boost exports. Access to domestic and international markets for fish and seafood products. Marketing and distribution networks for Blue Economy products.
  • Education and Training: Programmes for fishermen and aquaculture workers on sustainable practices. Educational institutions offering courses related to marine and coastal studies. Workforce development programmes to create a skilled Blue Economy workforce.
  • Environmental Conservation: Efforts for the conservation and protection of critical marine ecosystems, such as coral reefs and mangroves. Pollution control measures to maintain water quality and safeguard marine life. Sustainable fisheries management practices to prevent overfishing. Collaboration with neighbouring countries and international organisations for joint research, conservation efforts and disaster management in the Indian Ocean region.

Learning Resources

World Ocean Initiative Newsletter:

Produced by The Economist Group, this newsletter covers a wide range of topics related to the Blue Economy, including sustainable fishing, marine technology and ocean governance. It provides in-depth analysis and reports on key ocean-related issues.

UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development Publications

Ocean Decade focuses on updates and initiatives related to the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030). It highlights scientific research, events and efforts to address ocean challenges.

Blue Economy CRC Newsletter

The Blue Economy Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) is an Australian organisation focused on research and innovation for sustainable marine industries. The newsletter provides updates on research projects, events and industry developments.

Marine Technology News

This publication focuses on technological advancements in the maritime and marine industries. It covers topics like underwater robotics, autonomous vessels and ocean exploration tools.

The Maritime Executive

While not exclusively focused on the Blue Economy, this publication provides insights into the maritime and shipping industries, which are integral components of the sector.

Ocean Wise Conservation Association Blog

Ocean Wise is a Canadian non-profit organisation dedicated to marine conservation. Their blog covers a wide range of topics related to the Blue Economy, including sustainable seafood, ocean conservation and marine education.

International Ocean Governance Forum Newsletter

This forum focuses on discussions and knowledge-sharing related to international ocean governance, policy and law. It provides updates on events, publications and initiatives in this field.

MarineBio Conservation Society

MarineBio offers a wealth of knowledge resources, including articles, educational materials and conservation resources, related to marine life and ecosystems.

Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA)

IORA is an inter-governmental organisation that promotes regional cooperation in the Indian Ocean region. The newsletter provides information on Blue Economy initiatives and collaborations among member countries.


Insider’s Blue Economy page has a mix of cutting edge business and technology happenings, entrepreneurial initiatives, creative exchanges, lifestyle concepts and leadership insights.


Some of the top Tamil Nadu-based Blue Economy Startups:

  • Aqua Connect (Aquaculture)
  • Vikra Ocean Tech (Aqua Monitoring Robots)
  • Xera Robotics (Ocean Monitoring)
  • Lemurian Ventures Private Limited.
  • Planys Technologies Pvt. Ltd (Underwater Visual Inspection Services)

R&D Organisations

  • National Institute of Ocean Technology, Chennai
  • ICAR – Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture, Chennai
  • Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Thoothukudi.
  • Bay of Bengal Programme – an InterGovernmental Organisation, Chennai
  • National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management, Chennai
  • Centre for Ocean Research, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai
  • Indian Maritime University, Chennai
  • AMET University, Chennai
  • Faculty of Marine Sciences, Annamalai University, Chidambaram
  • Department of Marine Science, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchi.
  • Centre for Marine Science and Technology (CMST), Rajakkamangalam, Kanniyakumari.


  • Sathyabama TBI, Chennai (Startup Incubator)
  • Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Aquaculture, Sirkali (Seabass & Mudcrab Hatchery)
  • Aquatic Rainbow Technology Park, Chennai (SPV)
  • Aquatic Rainbow Mall, TNJFU Chennai (SPV)
  • DCeSA Campus, Thanjavur – (Sales Point)
  • Thanjavur Centre (Sales Point)
  • FCRI, Ponneri (Sales Point)
  • FCRI, Thoothudi (Sales Point)
  • Cofe, Nagapattinam (Sales Point)
  • Muttukadu Experimental Station of ICAR-CIBA (Hatchery Facility)
  • State Referral Lab for Aquatic Animal Health, Madhavaram
  • TNJFU Referral Lab for Aquatic Animal Health, Thoothukudi
  • TNJFU Referral Lab for Feed Quality Testing
  • TNJFU Referral Lab for Fish Quality Monitoring & Certification, Thoothukudi
  • TNJFU Referral Lab for Aquatic Animal Health, Nagapattinam
  • Aquaculture Quality Testing Lab, Ponneri
  • Aquaculture Quality Testing Lab, Madhavaram
  • Aquaculture Quality Testing Lab, OMR, Chennai
  • Aquaculture Quality Testing Lab, Pulicat
  • Aquaculture Quality Testing Lab, Thanjavur
  • Aquaculture Quality Testing Lab, Nagapattinam
  • Aquaculture Quality Testing Lab, Ganapathipuram
  • Molecular PCR Lab, Thoothukudi
  • Molecular PCR Lab, Ponneri
  • Molecular PCR Lab, Madhavaram
  • Molecular PCR Lab, Nagapattinam
  • Mobile Aquaculture Quality Testing Lab, Ponneri
  • Mobile Aquaculture Quality Testing Lab, Nagapattinam
  • Mobile Aquaculture Quality Testing Lab, Madhavaram Milk Colony
  • Fish Quality Monitoring & Certification Lab, Thoothukudi
  • Fish Quality Monitoring & Certification Lab, Ponneri
  • Advanced Research Farm Facility (ARFF), Madhavaram
  • Brackishwater Research Farm Facility (BRFF), OMR
  • Pulicat Field Research Facility (PRFF), Pulicat
  • Mariculture Research Farm Facility(MRFF), Tharuvaikulam
  • Fish Processing Incubation Facility (FPIF), Nagapatinam
  • Shore Lab Field Research Facility (SRFF), Thoothukudi
  • EDII Marine Products Incubation Forum Incubator, Thoothukudi