“Viral growth” Of The User Base And How It Got This Name?

Just as epidemiologists use the basic reproduction number, R0, to predict the spread of a disease, startup founders can use a similar concept, the viral coefficient, to forecast the growth of their user base. Understanding these concepts and their implications can be the difference between a product that fizzles out and one that achieves exponential, viral growth. The term viral growth has been analogously used to explain how rapid user growth happens as viruses spread. 

R0: The Epidemiology of Virality:

In epidemiology, R0 (R-naught) represents the average number of people one sick person will infect in a completely susceptible population. An R0 greater than 1 means the infection will spread exponentially, an R0 equal to 1 means the infection rate is stable, and an R0 less than 1 indicates a declining infection rate, likely leading to the disease’s end.

The R0 concept illustrates the potential for widespread impact through replication and spread – a concept that resonates with the goals of a rapidly scaling startup. 

From Pandemics to Products: The Viral Coefficient (k):

In the startup ecosystem, the viral coefficient (k) is analogous to R0. It measures how many new users an existing user generates. If a product has a viral coefficient above 1, each current user is bringing in more than one new user, leading to the exponential growth of the user base – a scenario every founder dreams of.

Imagine each of your new users, refer your product to two or more users and the cycle continues. Then at some point, more and more users will use your product and growth is rapid. In fact, under such circumstances scaling the capacity of the organization is a real challenge. 

Achieving a Viral Coefficient Greater Than 1:

A viral coefficient greater than 1 is a sign that a product has the inherent capacity to grow exponentially without direct intervention or additional marketing spend. This can be achieved through:

1. Ease of Sharing: Incorporate features that make it easy and intuitive for users to share the product.

2. Incentivization: Offer rewards that motivate users to bring in others, whether through discounts, exclusive features, or social acknowledgment.

3. Network Effects: Design the product so that it becomes more valuable as more people use it, which naturally encourages sharing.

4. Emotional Connection: Craft an experience that users want to talk about, whether it’s delight, humor, or satisfaction.

5. Taking steps to ensure the chain continues to grow : After acquiring a customer, the company must be constantly in touch with the users and delight them with your product value and services. These interactions help them refer the products to others.

Viral growth is achieved rapidly in the digital product realm as compared to physical products. However, even physical products can also be promoted virally provided a good system is designed to promote it, such as providing the buyers with coupons to introduce new users. 

The Dangers of a Low Viral Coefficient:

Just as a disease with an R0 less than 1 will eventually disappear, a product with a viral coefficient less than 1 will struggle to grow. Users may come through the front door, but with each bringing less than one additional user, the user base will inevitably decline as initial users leave. Sometimes founders spend lots of money to promote the product and after the promotion, if the users fail to spread the message, the product fails to gain traction. 

The Role of Timing and Market Saturation:

Even the most viral product can hit a ceiling. Market saturation, shifts in consumer behavior, or the emergence of superior alternatives can all effectively reduce a product’s viral coefficient. Similarly, an infectious disease’s R0 can drop due to increased immunity or effective public health measures.

Maintaining Virality:

The key to sustaining virality is to adapt and evolve. For a virus, this might mean mutating. For a product, this involves innovation, listening to user feedback, and refining the user experience to maintain and grow the user base even as market conditions change.

Understanding and applying the concept of the viral coefficient, inspired by the epidemiological measure R0, can provide startups with a potent lens through which to view and strategize user growth. While a high viral coefficient can propel a startup to exponential growth, it is the continuous attention to the user experience, product innovation, and market dynamics that sustains virality in the long term. Like a vigilant health organization tracking and responding to a virus, successful startups must constantly monitor and adapt their strategies to maintain their growth trajectory in an ever-evolving marketplace.